On October 4-5 The International Fair of Composite Materials, Technologies and Products KOMPOZYT-EXPO® took place in Cracow. It is one of the most important events in the composites industry in Poland. Lerg S.A. and Sarzyna Chemical sp. z o.o. presented the rich offer of both companies at the joint PKTK stand.
A group of managers, specialists and engineers representing various industries came to Cracow. All meetings took place in a nice and friendly atmosphere and provided the opportunity to exchange valuable experiences and information.
Moreover, on the first day of the fair, our company was presented with a Certificate of Membership in the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies, which was handed over by Marta Czulak – Cluster Coordinator to Dorota Gawle – Head of the Marketing Department.
We would like to thank everyone who visited our stand and invite you to cooperate.