LERG S.A. and Sarzyna Chemical Sp. z o.o. attended the International Trade Fair for Composite Materials, Technologies and Products KOMPOZYT-EXPO® held in Krakow on 16-17 October 2024. This year’s was the 13th edition of the Fair, one of the several well-known events in the composites industry in Poland and Central and Eastern Europe!

Our companies exhibited yet again at a shared stand with the Polish Cluster of Composite Technologies Cluster. As is usual at trade fairs, we had a great opportunity for networking, a lot of productive talks on our product portfolio, and a more informal exchange of opinions and views. Our companies were both represented by process engineers and sales representatives, who are in touch with our customers on a daily basis. Besides visiting the exhibition area, participants could choose to attend lectures, expert workshops, or go to a science club zone. In short, it was a large dose of expert knowledge in one place over two days of the Fair.

Thank you to everyone who visited our stand! We are looking forward to future meetings and joint projects – see you soon!

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